How does a 600-person marketing department reorganize to become more efficient and customer-centric? For two years, a global technology company had struggled to find the answer. Around the world, its regional offices were heavily reworking campaigns that came from headquarters, wasting time and money and jeopardizing campaign integrity. The department was also failing to advance critical capabilities such as digital marketing. Leadership engaged Point B to redesign the marketing organization structure, clarify ownership of capabilities, and drive greater cost efficiency.
Who owns what?
Prior to engaging Point B, the marketing department had invested in a generic operating model. But it had made no headway in tailoring the model to meet the organization's needs. Our first challenge: getting people truly aligned on the capabilities critical to strategy. Next: alleviating the tug of war between headquarters and regional offices by determining the right roles for each to play. We approached both issues by leading 16 workshops dedicated to designing a new organization structure. We guided the client team to define a customer-oriented marketing value stream. Then we aligned the new organizational structure around it. The new structure centralizes key functions and clarifies the work of regional offices – establishing ownership of strategic capabilities, roles and responsibilities both centrally and regionally.
Structured to succeed
The reorganization has unleashed new alignment, accountability and efficiency on every level. Centralized functions now anchor marketing campaigns to strategy, drive brand consistency, and eliminate the regional rework that had threatened cohesive marketing campaigns. Regional resources focus on customer account-based marketing to increase sales. Teams are dedicated to owning and building much-needed digital capabilities. Overall, the department has been able to reduce headcount by 15 percent, while building a far more efficient organization of highly focused marketers. The success was rooted in the process. Point B provided a proven approach, along with the expert guidance for client teams to have the conversations no one had been able to have before. We served as an expert guide, while our client maintained the control they so value to chart their own destiny.