The Challenge
The era of the credit card swipe might be behind us, but retail-based credit cards (and rewards) are more valuable than ever. A large-scale financial services firm was seeking to expand its offerings from a single original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to the broader market but lacked the experience of standing up a new line of business. The financial services provider sought out a trusted and versatile partner to provide the knowledge and management expertise they required to reach their goals, while embarking on the expansive, multi-faceted project.
Using the Grace Period
There was much to be solved before the organization could expand their reach further into the market. When Point B entered the picture, assessments began with understanding the current landscape and feasibility for offering financial services for additional businesses.
Point B oversaw the process of upscaling the current the stack and assisted in constructing a modernized, cloud-based architecture to house multiple captive-finance clients. The team collaborated closely with workstream leaders to identify best practices during deployment and ensure buy-in for overall execution. While upscaling the technical capabilities and ensuring both internal and external parties would be supported, the team created a process to track and resolve impediments and streamline the escalation of issues, preventing any delay in execution.
Lastly, Point B helped implement program governance structure to clarify deployment hierarchy and managed requirements, timelines and deliverables for all workstreams. The process included regular status updates to track progress toward milestones and translate from the workstream to the executive level.
Charging Ahead
With integrative solutions in place, the organization launched on-time and on-schedule in the midst of a global pandemic. They brought shared service agreements documentation to the table—setting the standard for collaboration with new tenants and produced a captive-finance-new-tenant-readiness playbook including procedures, product offerings and ceremonies for onboarding future tenants.
Overall customer satisfaction improved drastically, and the financial services provider generated record sales, producing $5 billion in new revenue.